Calling all people with Type 1 diabetes who want to improve their exercise and nutrition

Diabetes Excercise

Exercising with Type 1 Diabetes 2021 Virtual Event

22 May and 12 June 2021 (9am to 1pm)


Exercising for Type 1 Diabetes (EXTOD) have joined together with the All Wales Diabetes Implementation Group to offer an education programme focusing on exercise and diet for adults living with Type 1 diabetes in Wales.

This interactive programme has been established after EXTOD surveys found that people with Type 1 diabetes find managing glucose around exercise challenging and requested further education on this subject.

Who should attend?

Adults living with Type 1 diabetes who live in Wales and are on multiple daily injections or insulin pumps who exercise regularly or are planning to start to train for a specific event.

Why should you attend?

  • Develop your knowledge
  • Learn new ideas to put into practice
  • Develop knowledge and tools to use on any activity/exercise in the future
  • Access to online learning materials and videos


This education programme will be delivered as two interactive online workshops on 22nd May and 12th June 2021 as well as supporting materials and online videos.

In small online workshops, 12 people with Type 1 diabetes and two experts in the field of diabetes and exercise will use interactive tools, clinical cases, shared learning and problem-based tasks. The workshops will support participants to manage their exercise choices confidently and safely. Topics covered will include the effects of different types of exercise on blood glucose levels, the rule of threes for managing glucose around exercise, tips on nutrition and exercise, how diabetes technology can support exercising safely, and strategies to plan for exercise.

This meeting has been funded by All Wales Diabetes Implementation Group although a fully refundable deposit of £5.00* is required to secure the booking. Delegates experiencing current financial hardship can contact to secure registration without deposit.


Find out more and REGISTER NOW


* Subject to attendance at the meeting and completion of the evaluation form.

This event is being managed by Red Hot Irons Limited. Red Hot Irons is a limited company registered in Scotland and operating throughout the UK (Company Number SC 225660). VAT registration number: 751 2839 28. Registered office: Smithy, Waterbeck, Lockerbie, DG11 3EY.